When you think of getting better sleep, you might not instantly think of snuggling up with a larger than normal pillow. But, as it turns out, there are lots of reasons that you should do just that.
You might be used to your traditional sized pillow, but there are some real advantages to ‘going big.’ This is especially true if you are having trouble sleeping or have aches and pains. A big pillow might even mean less aspirin!
Big Pillow Can Help Fight Stiff Necks.
If you have ever experienced the pure misery that is a stiff neck, you know first hand how important it is to avoid this most unpleasant of experiences. One reason that people wake up with stiff necks is that they are not using a pillow that properly supports their neck and heads. A quality pillow will help your sleep just as much as a goose down comforter or down comforter, for example.
Oh My Aching Back!
There is no reason that you shouldn’t explore new options for a bad back. The fact is that you don’t always just have to live with this kind of pain. Many have found that by sleeping with one leg on top of a big pillow they have less back pain. The reason is fairly simple as a big pillow helps to keep your spine in alignment and takes pressure off your lower back.
Your Hips Can Benefit From a Big Pillow.
Just like your back can be helped from a big pillow, the same can be said for your hips. Many people sleep with pillows in between their legs as a way to ease the stress on their hips. If you try this method, you are likely to see at least some reduction of symptoms.
A Big Pillow Will Help Your Sleep.
There are numerous ways that a big pillow can help you get a better night’s sleep as a big pillow will assist your neck, hips and back in a variety of ways. If you are more comfortable, you are less likely to toss and turn. This, of course, means much better and satisfying sleep.
Waking up refreshed and ready to go is definitely the way to start your day. Proper bedding, which can include a quality pillow, is one way to make this happen. A big pillow can do wonders for easing some of the minor aches and pains that you might experience day in and day out. By putting your body in a slightly different position, you will take stress off your body and in the process get more rest. Now that is something we can all get quite excited about.
Article Source: Articlesbase
About the Author: Mindy Jean Rodin is an interior designer and consults her clients on a variety of personal needs. She can help you with everything from your down comforter to your living room decor. Rodin lives in Louisiana with her husband and seven, yes seven, dogs.